速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / TravelKit - Mobile Traveller

TravelKit - Mobile Traveller



檔案大小:69.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


TravelKit - Mobile Traveller(圖1)-速報App

The mobile phone has become an essential tool for business travellers – often being the key device for checking email, searching online and accessing data while abroad. As part of our ongoing goal to enhance our travel safety services and create user-friendly and technologically enhanced platforms, we have developed our latest mobile app, TravelKit. For any traveller, this app is a complete travel tool kit on your phone.

The TravelKit app provides travellers the following features:

• Geolocates travellers and sends safety, security and travel-related alerts specific to their location.

• Make calls to an emergency hotline from within the app.

• View country page intelligence relevant to location; this includes risk ratings, travel advisories, political and security concerns, travel logistics, cultural factors, and health information.

TravelKit - Mobile Traveller(圖2)-速報App

• See location-based weather reports and forecasts, the local currency and dialling codes.

• Enter travel plans and itineraries and view the security information for those locations.

• View a pre-trip checklist, store travel documents and add passport information.

• See emergency contact details for the local environment.

• See geolocated safe havens, such as hospitals and police stations, on an interactive map relevant to a traveller’s location.

TravelKit - Mobile Traveller(圖3)-速報App

With mobile phones being close at hand, essential country information and news is always available and the emergency feature of the app can be activated easily and when needed.

TravelKit - Mobile Traveller(圖4)-速報App
